Quiz Expectations

Format: Closed Notes, Paper and Pencil

All you need to bring are your ONECard, 2x Sharpened Pencils, Working Eraser. We will provide the quiz packets and scratch paper.

Quiz Seats are Assigned and Randomized

Your assigned seat will be emailed to you in advance. Please know your seat before arriving in Hamilton 100. You should receive these seats by Wednesday at 11:59pm.

Arrive Early!

Please arrive and get settled into your seat at least 5 minutes before the start of the period. Besides your pencil and eraser, tuck your belongings beneath your feet so that myself, the TAs, and your peers can easily step past you in the aisle.

What is the format of quizzes?

Quizzes will comprise of different kinds of questions, including:

  1. True / False Questions
  2. Multiple Choice / Constrained Choice Questions
  3. Short answer / fill in the blank
  4. Code tracing and environment / memory diagram questions
  5. Code writing questions

Yes! Read through the instructions for each question and questions carefully. Do not get hung up on single questions, mark those you need to come back to.

Often times you may find reminders of concepts in other places on the quiz, such as syntax for code writing problems.


  • Review the lessons and challenge questions you submitted
  • Review exercises submitted
  • Work through any currently released exercises you have not completed
  • Complete the review questions (they will post a day or two before the quiz, to the course itinerary, listed underneath the quiz entry).
  • Stop by office hours and/or tutoring with conceptual questions

Additionally, after quizzes are returned, you should review and understand all questions missed as preparation for the following quiz. The content in COMP110 is cumulative, so you do not want to continue making the same mistakes through the semester!

When can you talk about the exam with classmates?

Do not talk about the quiz, including reactions on group chats or among friends, until after graded quizzes are returned. There may be students with specific accommodations via ARS (Accessibility Resources and Service) or University Approved Absences who have not yet taken the quiz by the time you have completed it. Quizzes are “curved” using the class’ median and mean, so any information you share before grades are released is not only an honor code violation, it also stands to reduce or remove the magnitude of the class’ quiz “curve”.

Are quizzes “curved” in COMP110?

Yes and no. We do not apply a traditional curve that mathematically guarantees a normal distribution of grades centered about a C. That’s unfair and creates undue competition with your peers in the course. We want everyone to demonstrate mastery and earn positive marks!

In the event the median score is below a 75, questions on the exam will be reweighted so as to raise the median score to a 75. Typically this means increasing the weight of questions that over 90-100% of the class responded to correctly and decreasing the weight of questions that less than 50% of the class responded to correctly. Questions where less than 25% of the class answers correctly are typically thrown out entirely as bad questions because they relied upon knowledge we failed to adequately prepare you for in the course or were poorly written.

Contributor(s): Kris Jordan